Infant Safe Sleep Policy
Providing infants with a safe and nurturing place to grow is very important to me. This includes making sure that babies are safe when they’re sleeping. This safe sleep policy applies to children up to 1 year old, follows state licensing rules, and is based on the most current safe sleep research.
Safe Sleep Environment
A safe sleep environment reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep related infant deaths. I follow the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in creating sleep environment that is safe for infants.
- Infants nap in mesh-sided porta-cribs that meet Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines. Infants will never be placed to sleep on any soft surface.
- Each infant has a crib for his/her exclusive use and will be placed to alone sleep in it. Siblings will be placed in separate cribs.
- All cribs have have a firm tight fitting mattress covered by a fitted sheet. Nothing will be allowed in the crib with a sleeping infant under 1 year old.
- The temperature of the rooms where infants sleep will be kept at a level that is comfortable for a lightly clothed adult.
- Infants will be lightly dressed, and their heads will never be covered with blankets or bedding.
- Swaddling and other garments that restrict movement are prohibited. Sleep sacks are allowed; please provide the type your child prefers for his/her exclusive use.
Infant Safe Sleep Practices
All infants are put to to sleep on their backs unless otherwise specified in writing by the child’s physician. Notice of a waiver will be posted near the infant’s crib.
- Infant positioning devices, such as wedges, will not be used. Such devices are not proven to reduce the risk of SIDS.
- Infants who can easily turn over from back to front will be placed to sleep on their backs, then allowed to remain in whatever position they prefer to sleep.
- Infants are not allowed to sleep in sitting devices, such as car seats, strollers, swings, and infant carriers. Infants that fall asleep in a location other than their crib will be promptly removed and placed in their crib on their back.
- All infants will have supervised “tummy time” while they're awake to help strengthen their muscles and promote physical development.
Pacifiers Promote Safe Sleep
The use of pacifiers is encouraged to help reduce the risk of SIDS.
- Infants who use pacifiers will be offered the pacifier when they are placed to sleep. If the pacifier falls out of the infant’s mouth while he/she is sleeping it will be removed from the crib.
- Pacifiers will be cleaned and checked for safety before each use, and will never be coated in any substance; sweet or otherwise.
- Bibs and pacifiers will not be tied around an infant’s neck or clipped on to an infant’s clothing during sleep. Pacifiers used by sleeping infants cannot have soft toys, ties, or strings attached.
Supervision for Safe Sleep
All caregivers have been trained on safe sleep practices and will follow this policy when caring for infants.
- An audio and video monitor will be used to ensure that infants in cribs are within sight or sound at all times.
- Sleeping infants will be checked on frequently and monitored for
- Normal skin color
- Normal breathing (by watching for inhalation and exhalation)
- Signs of overheating (flushed skin color, increased body temperature)
- Restlessness
Parents will receive a copy of our Infant Safe Sleep Policy and other Safe Sleep materials in their Enrollment Packet. Families are encouraged to follow the same safe sleep practices at home to reduce the risk of SIDS and ease their infants’ transition to child care.
Concern for Health and Well-Being
"Amy has been nothing short of a motherly figure for our children. During the time they were in her care, she demonstrated concern for their health, education, development, and well-being." ~Sam & Sara
Infant Care
Leaving your precious baby in the care of another person is difficult; who can you trust to look after your child? I know how you feel, and I promise to love and care for your child as if he or she were my own.