Child Care Policies
Licensed programs are required to develop policies that reflect current practices and provide these to parents. Some required policies can be found on this website, while others are summarized below. Complete program policies are in the Family Handbook, which is distributed to enrolled families.
General Information
Amy & Kids Co. is licensed by Wisconsin's Department of Children and Families. We are licensed to care for up to eight children at any one time and inspected regularly to ensure that our program meets licensing standards.
Hours of Operation
Amy & Kids Co. is open 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays; 7:00 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. Fridays.
Holidays and Closures
We are closed for most national holidays, Winter Break from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day, Provider Vacation in the summer, and a number of Personal Days throughout the year. Specific holidays are listed in the Family Handbook.
Some of this time “off” will be used for professional development and continuing education. Parents are responsible for alternate care on days the program is closed.
Provider Illness
I routinely have a physical exam to ensure that I am physically healthy and able to care for children. Although I am rarely sick enough to close the center, if I am too ill to provide quality care I will contact you via text as soon as possible. Please respond promptly so I know you received the message.
Pets can add an extra amount of love and excitement to the day. Currently there are several house cats for your child to enjoy. Some of the cats hang out in rooms where the children play, while others prefer other areas of the house. All of the cats are tolerant as long as they are not mishandled, and the children's interactions with them are monitored as closely as possible. All cats' vaccinations are current and a record kept on file. Their food, water, and litter boxes are inaccessible to the children.
Enrollment Information
Admission to Amy & Kids Co. is open to all children aged six weeks to twelve years, regardless of race, gender, color, religion, political persuasion, national origin, handicap (unless unable to accommodate), ancestry, or sexual orientation. We do not discriminate.
Trial Period
Starting in a new setting can be overwhelming for young children, even those who are excited about going to "school." I do not have a formal trial period; please understand that some chidren need several weeks to adjust to their new routine.
Withdrawal from Care
Some day your child will graduate from Amy & Kids Co. Child care services may be terminated by parents or by the provider. Families wishing to withdraw their child from care must submit a written notice at least two weeks before the child's last day of care. The Final Payment covers the child's last two weeks of care; any other outstanding bills are due when notice of termination is given.
Tuition Policies
Tuition is used to provide the highest possible quality care and learning for your child. An automatic raise in tuition will go into effect each fall.
- Tuition is billed monthly through Daily Connect and is due in advance on Wednesday for the following week's care. Receipts will be sent out automatically when the invoice is paid in full.
- Online payments and direct deposit are preferred, but cash and check are also accepted. Online payments incurr additional transaction fees.
- Pre-paid tuition is non-refundable; it is your responsibility to ensure that the correct amount is paid each week.
Children's Absence
Amy & Kids Co. costs remain fixed even when a child is not in attendance. Parents are responsible for full tuition when their child is absent due to sick days, days off from work, family vacation, and the like.
If a child is absent without prior notification I will contact the parents to determine the whereabouts of the child. A fee may be charged for this service.