Child Care Enrollment
Ready to join the Amy & Kids Co. family? These four easy steps will get you started!
Step 1: Check Availability
Before starting the emrollment process, check to see which openings are available. Due to the small group size I do not experience the high turnover of group centers so there may not be any openings right now.
If there are no openings, please add your name to the waiting list; I will contact you as soon as a space is available.
Step 2: Interview and Tour

Parents are strongly encouraged to visit any child care program they are considering prior to enrollment. It's almost impossible to tell if a program is right for your child without seeing it in person.
Schedule an interview so we can discuss your child's specific needs, review important information about the program, and tour the premises. I will email you the Family Handbook so you can look it over ahead of time and bring questions with you to the interview.
Plan to allow 30-45 minutes so we have adequate time to address your questions. You may bring your child along so he or she see what fun things there are to do here!
Step 3: Submit an Enrollment Application
Submit an Enrollment Application to indicate your interest in the available opening. If your application is accepted you will receive an Enrollment Acceptance via email. Be sure to submit the enrollment fee and first week's tuition within 24 hours to confirm your child's space. Plan for your child to begin care on the day the opening is available, or you can choose to pay a Holding Fee to reserve the opening.
Step 4: Submit Your Child Care Enrollment Packet
An Enrollment Packet will be emailed to you after the enrollment fee and first week's tuition have been received. Complete and submit all the forms in your Enrollment Packet before your child's first day of attendance. The Enrollment Checklist in your packet will help you make sure all necessary forms are submitted on time.
Finally, be sure to carefully read and become familiar with the program policies in the Family Handbook before your child's first day of attendance.
Ending Child Care Enrollment
At some point it will be time for your child to graduate from Amy & Kids Co. Families wishing to withdraw their child from care must submit a written notice at least two weeks before the child's last day of care. The Final Payment covers the last two weeks of care; see our Child Care Fees page for more information.

Family Reviews
"We highly recommend Amy & Kids Co. to parents who are looking for a safe environment where their child can excel and learn new skills." ~ Melissa
First Day
If you're new to child care you may be wondering what the first day will be like. Don't worry, our First Day of Child Care guide will help you prepare!